Congrats to the Humble Bees for winning the 2025 Community-Wide Spelling Bee!
The winning word was “Deliquesce.”
Thank you to all of our teams, volunteers, judges (including Héctor Carvajal of Don Carvajal Café) and guests.
A shoutout to Ed & Amy Chen, our able scorekeepers…and to their Buzz Riot Apiary for the honey won by our finalists.
And special thank-yous to our Main Street School spelling bee winners and enunciator Matt Rashid. With any luck, we can solidify even more incredible spellers for next year’s Bee.
We couldn’t have done it without our incredible advertisers, donors, and sponsors: Jon, Judy and Samuel Siegel, Kristy Schmitt and Irvington Printing, Greg Allen and the Irvington Theater, Chutney Masala, My Sherry &more, Debra Goodwin & The Goodwin Team, Ivkosic Painting, Squint Optometry, Club Car Grille, Random Farms Kids Theater, Tarrytown Honda, Houlihan Lawrence, Red Barn Bakery, Ludy Cafe, Seasons A Floral Design Studio, Geordanes Irvington, Savvy Sips Wine and Spirits, Shames JCC on the Hudson, Gate Hill Day Camp, The Morgan Library & Museum, and Aesthetics By KM.