What We Do

Over the last several years, membership dues and funds raised
at Friends events have been used by the library for (among
other things):

  • programs for children of all ages, from toddlers
    to teens;
  • adult programming, including lectures, exhibits,
    film series, readings, theatrical performances and concerts;
  • the purchase of CDs, audio books, DVDs, Playaways, and museum passes;
  • the acquisition of a grand piano for the library’s program room, thanks to which the library now can offer a regular series of music performances;
  • the restoration of the beautiful Tiffany Reading Room of the original Public Library in Irvington Town Hall.
  • the transformation of the library courtyard into a reading garden in honor of Pamela Strachan.

What You Can Do

While being a member of the Friends can be as simple as making an annual donation, members can also get involved by volunteering at the library, helping organize events, or participating in the Friends’ fund raising efforts such as book sales and the spelling bee.

All members are eligible to serve as Directors.

You can become a Friend of the Library right now, by paying your tax-deductible membership dues. Just click on the button!

Individual: $25
Family: $40
Supporting: $50
Patron: $100-$249
Benefactor: $250+

Please enter your donation amount: $

Library Advocate

Board of Directors

Sarah Harris Weiss, President
Heather Bancroft, Vice President

Susan Robinson, Secretary
Dana Levine, Treasurer
Matthew Lowenbraun, Digital Communications Manager

Tracy O’Neil
Dori Dailey
Nicola Paul
Laiba Shaukat
Kayla DeRouseau