The Bee Returns!

Spelling bee poster - for library board (8.5 x 8.5 in)
The Spelling Bee is Back! 
Friday, January 31st, 7:00pm at the Irvington Theater
After a five year break (can you spell quinquennium?) the Friends of the Irvington Library is proud to once again present our buzziest fundraising event –  the Spelling Bee!

The theater will hum with excitement as our grown-up friends and neighbors compete for the coveted title: Best Spellers in Irvington! 

All of the honey raised goes to sweeten the programs and services of the Irvington Public Library.  Bee there or bee square!
Get your tickets and form your teams!
Here’s the buzz:
Ticketing & Admission
Irvington Theater
85 Main Street
Irvington, NY 10533
Admission: $15 for adults, $10 for children age 10 and under.
Refreshments available for purchase.
Get your tickets today!  (Snow date 2/2)
Team Formation
Want to join the hive and form a three-person team to compete in the Bee? 
To compete in the Bee:
1. Pick the best spellers you know to form a team of three teens or adults
2. Make up a cool team name
3. Fill out our team registration form and pay your $150 team entry fee
4. Arrive by 6:45 on the evening of the Bee to check in
5. Have fun!
Advertise in the Bee program, Sponsor the Bee, and/or Donate goods/services to be raffled at the Bee
Support library programs and advertise your business to hundreds of community members at the same time at this popular event, by placing an ad in our Bee program.  We welcome sponsors and raffle donors with a special mention at the event as well.   

Bee Program Advertising rates:
Centerfold (11” wide x 8 1/2” tall) : $400
Back Cover (5 1/2” wide x 8 1/2” tall) : $350
Inside Back Cover (5 1/2” wide x 8 1/2” tall) : $275
Full Page (5 1/2” wide x 8 1/2” tall) : $200
Half Page (5 1/2”wide x 4 ¼” tall) : $125
Business Card or 1/3 Page (5 1/2” wide x 2 2/3” tall) : $75  

Sponsors $500 and over – our Queen Bees – will also have their organization’s logo prominently displayed at the event, in the program, and will receive 4 free tickets to the Bee.
Sponsors $250 to $499 – Honey Bees – will receive recognition at the event, in the program, and 2 comp tickets to the Bee.
Raffle Donors – will receive recognition at the event, in the program, and 2 comp tickets to the Bee.

What to Expect


The aim of the evening is to have fun with your family, friends and neighbors while showing support for our library.

The game is played in rounds of 4 or 5 teams each. A round consists of 7 words of increasing difficulty. The enunciator pronounces a word, defines it, and uses it in a sentence. Team members have thirty seconds to consult with each other and write the word on a white board. An increasing number of points will be awarded to your team for each consecutive word spelled correctly (1 point for the first word, 2 points for the second word, etc.). No points will be withdrawn for misspelled words.

When not participating in a round, contestants sit in the audience enjoying the laughs, the music, the entertainment, and the refreshments.

When all the teams have had a chance to play, the scorekeeper will announce the 5 highest scoring teams overall. Those teams will then participate in the championship round. In the championship round teams are eliminated from the competition as soon as they misspell a word. The last team to spell a word correctly will be the winner and take home the coveted trophy!

The Spelling Bee!

Our 10th Annual
Community-Wide Spelling Bee

Friday, January 29, at 7 p.m.
at the Irvington Town Hall Theater

Information on how to sign up your team, sponsor the event, or buy advertising in the program is right here. Or you can e-mail us at

We welcome volunteers! If you’d like to help organize, promote, or run the event please get in touch with us!

Once More Unto The Beach

Third Annual Penguin Plunge
Mattheissen Park
Saturday, March 15
11:30 AM

The Friends of the Library encourages you to support the Irvington Recreation and Parks Department’s efforts to raise  money.

It, like the library, has suffered budget cutbacks recently and needs private donations to maintain the programs and services it has always provided.

Every year some of us Friends form a team to participate in the Penguin Plunge. By sponsoring our team this year you are raising money for the Rec Department while raising awareness of the Friends of the Library.

You can learn more about this fund-raising event here.  Use  this link to sponsor our team (you’ll find us at the bottom of the right-hand column).

Down by the riverside 3

Winners: Youth Category


Your favorite book
falls open like it wants you
to read it again


In the beginning
you quickly gobble up words
but savor the last


kids room koala
in the room of excitement
perches with its kin


I like libraries
Because they bring happiness
Also they bring joy

Contest Winners

Nine contestants were awarded prizes at a short ceremony held in the soon-to-be refurbished Tiffany Reading Room on Saturday, September 11.

Prizes went to:

Children (up to and including age 12):

  • 1st Place: Christina Baulch
  • 2nd Place: Emma Castiblanco
  • 3rd Place: Chloe Le Breton

Teenager (ages 13-17):

  • 1st Place: Fou Wang
  • 2nd Place: Rebecca Kissel
  • 3rd Place: Dylan Romanow Etzel

Adult (ages 18 and up):

  • 1st Place: Eytan Wronker
  • 2nd Place: Richard Lobel (tied)
  • 2nd Place: Maeve Montalvo (tied)
  • 3rd Place: Connie Kehoe


Can’t wait for our next sale??

You don’t have to wait until next June for those quality used books you love to buy at our semi-annual book sales.

Friends of the Irvington Library has partnered with Amazon to offer a choice selection of our books year round!

All proceeds from every book on the Friends’ bookshelf there will go directly to the Irvington Public Library, and you will enjoy the relaxed, comfortable shopping experience we can’t offer you at our semi-annual sales.




Great news for book lovers!

There’s a new second-hand book store in the river towns and the Friends of the Irvington Library is part of it.

The Friends has teamed up with the recently opened Curious-on-Hudson Bookshop in Dobbs Ferry to offer a choice selection of our used books year round!

All proceeds from items on the Friends’ Bookshelf there will go directly to the Irvington Public Library, and you will enjoy the relaxed, comfortable shopping experience we can’t offer you at our semi-annual sales.

Curious-on-Hudson Bookshop
145 Palisade Street 4th Floor
Dobbs Ferry, NY

Open Wednesday through Sunday, Noon to 6 pm
(Thursdays until 9 pm)

Curious Logo

Did you know?

The Friends of the Irvington Library was established in 1964 to support and promote the
Irvington Public Library and the cultural interests of the people living in and near the village of Irvington.

It has since grown to be a full-fledged not-for-profit 501(c)3 corporation.

In addition to providing funds for all children’s activites, teen and adult programs,
and the acquisition of CD’s, DVD’s, audiobooks and equipment, the Friends is a crucial advocacy group
fighting to maintain the library’s current level of service during these tough fiscal times.

You can become a Friend of the Library by making your tax-deductible contribution right now.

PayPal button

Individual membership: $15
Family: $25
Supporting: $50-$99
Patron: $100-$249
Benefactor: $250-$1,000